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"Greetings! I received my painting
a few weeks ago and just want to let
you know I am very pleased with it. It
was beautifully wrapped and arrived
in perfect condition. The painting itself
is gorgeous and I had it professionally
framed and hung above my fireplace. It
is a wonderful addition to my home.
Thank you for the excellent customer
service and fast delivery. Many
blessing to you in the New Year!
Felicia Phillips A Very
Happy Customer" (view more..)
Feng Xiao Jiang, was born in Yantai, Shandong Province, 1957. Good at Gongbi figure and bird-and-flower painting. He also does landscape paintings. Now Feng is part of Shandong Artists Association, guest professor of Shandong University, and the painter of Shandong Fine Arts Academy. Lots of his art works were collected by Shandong Art Museum. In 1989, ... (View More)
Feng Xiao Jiang Chinese Painting 3769001 Feng Xiao Jiang Chinese Painting 3769002
Cui Hai Rui, was born in 1982. Focusing on creating gongbi paintings of beauties, he also does bird-and-flower painting. 崔海瑞,生于1982年,主攻工笔仕女,兼习花鸟。其画雅淡而不失亮丽,妩媚而不失老成,具有强烈的感召力和深邃 (View More)
Cui Hai Rui Chinese Painting 3768005 Cui Hai Rui Chinese Painting 3768002
Du Shu Zhen, 杜淑珍,女,1938年出生,吉林人,自由喜爱书画,退休后上老年大学学习工笔画、写意画,师从李万里、苗淑奇等大师,擅长工笔花鸟、写意画等,多次参加书画展并获奖。作品多被国内外收藏家、机关单位等收藏。 (View More)
Du Shu Zhen Chinese Painting 3767001 Du Shu Zhen Chinese Painting 3767002
Jiang Bing Hua, was taught by several famous artists when he studied Chinese painting in college. Good at landscape as well as figure painting. 姜炳华,自幼习画,师从多位名家,形成自己独特的绘画风格。擅长山水、人物,作品细腻,画风古朴,是难得的佳品。 (View More)
Jiang Bing Hua Chinese Painting 3766001 Jiang Bing Hua Chinese Painting 3766002
Li Da Gui, a native of Lingui of Guangxi Province, that is a professional painter. Good at meticulous figure painting as well as bird-and-flower painting. 李大贵,广西临桂县人,职业画师,擅长工笔人物,花鸟画。其画注重明暗晕染和远近透视,使作品有立体感,笔法工整细腻。其作品淡雅而不失 ... (View More)
Li Da Gui Chinese Painting 3765001 Li Da Gui Chinese Painting 3765002
Li Feng Chi, was born in 1973 in Guilin. Learnt Chinese painting and calligraphy from his grandfather when he was young, Li kept studying it in GuangXi Normal University. That gives him a solild foundation, and helps him in making progress with traditional skills. Focusing on creating figure paintings, Li was given many awards of various art exhibitio ... (View More)
Li Feng Chi Chinese Painting 3764001 Li Feng Chi Chinese Painting 3764002
Liang Zhen Hui, was born in Guilin in 1965. Learning Chinese painting from famous artist Huang Xu when he was a child, and followed him to continue study in Guangxi Arts Institute. Liang is good at depicting figure, using bold strokes to individuate characters. Now he is director of Figure Studio of Lingchuan Academy and the director of Public Relations ... (View More)
Liang Zhen Hui Chinese Painting 4763005 Liang Zhen Hui Chinese Painting 4763002
Lu Bing Long, was born in Lingui. He is a professional painter, and is skilled in meticuolous figure painting. Focusing on using chiaroscuro and perspective to achieve a sense of three-dimension. 陆冰龙,广西临桂人,职业画家,擅画工笔人物,其画注重明暗晕染和远近透视,使人物富有立体感,笔法工整细腻 ... (View More)
Lu Bing Long Chinese Painting 3762001 Lu Bing Long Chinese Painting 3762002
Wang Shan Ying, is good at Gongbi figure as well as bird-and-flower paintings. She pays attention to show the appeal of strokes and lively undertint. The following are her masterpieces: “Playing Cuju In A Spring Day”, “Goddess of Mount Tai”, “Peony Flowers”, “Jinling's Twelve Beauties”. Titles: senior fellow of Chinese National Academy ... (View More)
Wang Shan Ying Chinese Painting 3761001 Wang Shan Ying Chinese Painting 3761002
Wang Ze, has a predisposition to seek perfection in expressing the figures, including the design and the background. His painting were given a lot of awards for the elegant style and vividness. 王泽,自幼喜爱绘画,对人物造型、服饰及周围环境均精心观察,力求表达完美,画风清新典雅,人物造型形象生 ... (View More)
Wang Ze Chinese Painting 3759001 Wang Ze Chinese Painting 3759002
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