Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists

Wang Xu Qiu Chinese Calligraphy Painting Artists

Wang Xu Qiu's Biography & Awards:

Wang Xu Qiu, 王旭球,1952年出生于桂林。现为广西书法家协会会员,桂林书法家协会会员。其功底老而弥强,特具意味,为不可多得之精品。其作品是书法家和书法爱好者收藏的首选。

Wang Xu Qiu was born in Guilin in 1952. He is a member of Guangxi Calligraphers Association and member of Guilin Calligraphers Association. His Calligraphy is skillful, strong, and unique. His works are the first choice of collection or calligraphers and calligraphy lovers.

Wang Xu Qiu's Pictures:

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Wang Xu Qiu Wang Xu Qiu

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