Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists

Shen Xuan Chinese Animal Painting Artists

Shen Xuan's Biography & Awards:

Shen Xuan, born in Nanning, Guangxi, grew in a literary family. She is influenced by her elder generation since she was a child so that she loves painting very much. In her childhood, she was enlightened by Mrs. Tian Shiguang. In 1978, she graduated for Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. During that time, she was instructed by Su Qifeng, Aisin Giorro Puzuo, Wang Songyu, Huo Chunyang and etc, also forming her special artistic style.

Now, she is a member of Chinese Artists Association. Her artworks are popular in different circles for her profound panting technique, bold innovation, unique artistic style and skilled brushwork. The clever combination of different theme makes her painting more vivid and lovely.

沈萱,1951年生于广西南宁。长于书香世家,自幼受父辈熏陶酷爱绘画,童年启蒙于恩师田世光先生,1978年毕业于天津美术学院,受教于孙其峰、爱新觉罗 溥佐、王颂余、霍春阳等先生,形成自己独特的艺术风格。现为中国美术家协会会员,作者以深厚的功力,大胆的创新,在生纸上细腻的表现出熟纸常用的工笔技法,运笔娴熟,风格独特,各种题材的巧妙组合使的画面更加生动,富贵。深受各界朋友的喜爱。

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Shen Xuan Shen Xuan

Shen Xuan  

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