Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists

Peng Liu Dong Chinese Landscapes Painting Artists

Peng Liu Dong's Biography & Awards:

Peng Liu Dong, was born in 1969 in Quanzhou,Guangxi province. He graduated from Chinese Painting institute of Guangxi Normal University in 1987. He loves calligraphy and painting very much since he was young.
In 1990, he traveled around China and had been to many famous mountains and rivers. He learnt a lot from his trips and made many friends who also interested in the same thinks, more than that, he achieved the goal that "Learn knowledge from thousands of books and accumulate experience by traveling thousands of miles" and "Sketched a lot from all the famous mountains". He paid much attention to the structure and performance of the spirit of the landscape. His style was solemn, religious and beautiful, and won many praises.

Now he is a researcher of China Art Academe. He also is a visiting-professor of Guangxi Normal University, a consultant of Shanghai Painting Institute for Nationalities, and a member of Guangxi Artists Association.

1969年生,广西全州县人。1987年毕业于广西师范大学国画系。自幼酷爱书画艺术,90年游历祖国名山大川、大江南北, 开阔视野和胸襟、广交同仁。实践“行万里路、读万卷书”、“搜尽奇峰打草稿 ”的艺术思想。注重山水精神的营构与表现,画风庄重严谨、清雅秀丽,颇受称道。

现为中国艺术研究院研究员, 广西师范大学客座教授, 中国上海民族画院顾问, 中国广西美术家协会理事。

Peng Liu Dong's Pictures:

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Peng Liu Dong Peng Liu Dong

Peng Liu Dong Peng Liu Dong

Peng Liu Dong  

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