Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists
Liu Lan Ting Chinese Birds & Flowers Painting Artists
Liu Lan Ting's Biography & Awards:
Liu Lan Ting, born in 1941 in Sichuan Chengdu. He love to paint since he was a child, major in landscape painting, also like to paint birds & flowers, figure. He settled down in Guilin for 20 years, had completely control the verve of Li River. His works of < Long Standing> and刘兰亭,一九四一年生于四川成都。自幼喜爱绘画艺术,擅长山水,兼攻花鸟、人物。客居桂林近二十年,对漓江山水之神韵已心领神会。其作品《源远流长》和《春江神韵》曾在全国美展中获大奖,名噪海内外。其作品清新秀丽,笔墨苍浊,风格多样。
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