Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists

Lin Zhi Chinese Birds & Flowers Painting Artists

Lin Zhi's Biography & Awards:

Lin Zhi, 林智,1980生于湖南。幼承家学,五岁涂鸦,以深厚的传统功力和现代审美视角切入中国花鸟画领域。


Lin Zhi, was born in Hu Nan province in 1980. Studied from childhood, five-year-old graffiti,
Cut into the field of Chinese flower and bird painting with deep traditional skills and modern aesthetic perspective.
He is currently a member of the Hunan Artists Association, a member of the Hunan Artists Association, and a member of the Hunan Flower and Bird Painting Research Association.

His works are designed with good theme, with light & elegant colors, cold pen lines, exquisite pens and inks, filled with quietness in the air, and have a strong book atmosphere.

His works have been published in a number of academic journals, including China Collection, China Art Report, National Painter, Art Place, Calligrapher, and Hunan Flower and Bird Painting.

Lin Zhi's Pictures:

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Lin Zhi Lin Zhi

Lin Zhi Lin Zhi

Lin Zhi Lin Zhi

Lin Zhi  

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