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"Greetings! I received my painting
a few weeks ago and just want to let
you know I am very pleased with it. It
was beautifully wrapped and arrived
in perfect condition. The painting itself
is gorgeous and I had it professionally
framed and hung above my fireplace. It
is a wonderful addition to my home.
Thank you for the excellent customer
service and fast delivery. Many
blessing to you in the New Year!
Felicia Phillips A Very
Happy Customer" (view more..)
Qin Kang Sheng, 秦康胜,男,广西桂林人,师从著名画家张贤先生,现为张贤国画工作室画家,芳草堂画廊签约画家。作品多次参加全国及省市美术作品展并有获奖。 Qin Kang Sheng, male, from Guilin, Guangxi. He has been taught from the famous painter Mr. Zhang Xian. He is currently a painter of Zhang ... (View More)
Zhou Guo Guang, native of Guilin who was born in 1968. He learnt landscape painting from Wei Yafu and Mao Bingzhong. Engaged in this area over 20 years, Zhou always focuses on creating something new in his works. Now he is the director of Xiaoyu Gallery. His artworks were awarded a lot and were published on various journals of Fine Arts, and Zhou was ... (View More)
Zhou Guo Guang Chinese Painting 1134001 Zhou Guo Guang Chinese Painting 1134002
Liang Yu Jie, 梁羽杰,男,职业画家。1977年生于湖南长沙。毕业于桂林工学院。得到青年实力派画家毕能宁先生的赏识及指导,画作清新,淡雅,是一位有发展潜力的青年画家。 Liang Yu Jie, male, a professional painter. He was born in Changsha, Hunan province in 1977. He graduated from Guilin Institu ... (View More)
Liang Yu Jie Chinese Painting lyj11148001 Liang Yu Jie Chinese Painting lyj11148002
Liu Zhen Hui, was born in Lingui county of Guangxi Province in 1975. Being a student of fine arts of Guangxi Normal University in 1996, Liu has been engaging in creation of Chinese painting after graduation, and now is part of Guangxi Artists Association and the Special-invited lecturer of Guilin Arts College. His artowrks are mainly involved with s ... (View More)
Liu Zhen Hui Chinese Painting 1135144 Liu Zhen Hui Chinese Painting 1135145
Chen Xu An, 陈旭安,男,1975年生于桂林,现为职业山水画家。作品画面清新,层次感很强,借鉴了西洋画法的光感效果,笔墨轻松,色彩明快。 2002年作品入选纪念中日邦交正常化30周年“中日友好书画展”; 2008年作品参加《隆重纪念周恩来诞辰110周年中国功勋书 ... (View More)
Chen Xu An Chinese Painting cxa11149003 Chen Xu An Chinese Painting cxa11149001
Fan Yong Ming, a professional painter who was a student of Guangxi Normal University, majoring in Fine Arts, that was born in 1965. He created three popular series of landscape paintings: Golden Rape Flower, Sunrise of Mount Huangshan and Mountain Spring, bringing in the new to art circle of China from his own visual perception. 范勇明, ... (View More)
Fan Yong Ming Chinese Painting 1136001 Fan Yong Ming Chinese Painting 1136002
Chen Chang Hao, 陈昌浩,桂林人,自幼喜好书画,经多年专研苦练,逐步形成自己的独特风格及绘画语言。其作品用墨与色恰到好处,画面气势十足,简洁,突出重点,给人以身临其境的感觉。 Chen Chang Hao, from Guilin. He loved calligraphy and painting from an early age. After years of hard ... (View More)
Chen Chang Hao Chinese Painting cch11150001 Chen Chang Hao Chinese Painting cch11150003
Li Zhi Yuan, native of Guilin that was born in 1973. A professional painter who is skilled in landscape painting. Started learning Chinese painting from a famous artist of Guilin in 1991, that gives him a solid foundation. In 1994, Li worked on landscape painting of the Sichuan School specifically for his passion for it, doing practice in using col ... (View More)
Li Zhi Yuan Chinese Painting 1137001 Li Zhi Yuan Chinese Painting 1137002
Qin Ming Fang, 秦明芳,女,桂林阳朔人。跟随当地实力派青年画家、云辉堂堂主李小跃学习传统山水。画家好学加之勤奋,凭着对绘画艺术的执著,与生俱来的绘画热情,超出平常人的艺术天赋,如今可说已小有所成。 观其作品,可知笔墨功底扎实。线条,墨块变化丰 ... (View More)
Qin Ming Fang Chinese Painting qmf11151001 Qin Ming Fang Chinese Painting qmf11151002
Liu Zhi Ming, was born in Huizhou of Guangdong Province in 1963. Graduated from Guilin Art Academy om 1989, he focuses on landscapa painting. 刘志明,男,1963年生于广东惠州,1989年毕业于桂林画院国画班,专攻山水画。 (View More)
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