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"Greetings! I received my painting
a few weeks ago and just want to let
you know I am very pleased with it. It
was beautifully wrapped and arrived
in perfect condition. The painting itself
is gorgeous and I had it professionally
framed and hung above my fireplace. It
is a wonderful addition to my home.
Thank you for the excellent customer
service and fast delivery. Many
blessing to you in the New Year!
Felicia Phillips A Very
Happy Customer" (view more..)
Zou Mao Yong, was born in 1966 in Zhangzhou, Fujian province. Alias Yi-fu. He loves the art of calligraphy since his childhood. After he graduated from the college, he had further education on calligraphy in the art department of Xiamen Jimei University in 1998. Later he learned from the famous calligrapher Mr. Ma Chi in Fujian and got great progre ... (View More)
Zou Mao Yong Chinese Painting 3970014 Zou Mao Yong Chinese Painting 3970015
Li Han, 李涵,男,1976年生于河北,中国职业书画家,一级美术师,现为河北省美协会员,北京长城书画家协会会员,北京国画艺术家协会山水创研室副主任,中国艺术家联合总会展览部主任。 国画作品《人间春色》入选由中国美协主办的大路画展并在中国美术馆 ... (View More)
Li Han Chinese Painting lh11083008 Li Han Chinese Painting lh11083001
Qin Yang, 覃阳,生于湖南省永州市。自幼喜爱书画,酷爱山水。 师承著名画家李长田,现进修于桂林长田山水画研究院,为研究院院士。系中国画家协会会员,阳朔美术协会会员。 Qin Yang, was born in Yongzhou, Hunan Province. He loved painting and calligraphy since childhood, as well ... (View More)
Qin Yang Chinese Painting qy11085002  
Hu Xu Xian, 胡许先,贵州遵义人,毕业于广西师范大学艺术系,现为中国画家协会会员,中国桂林书画研创联盟常务副院长,广西阳朔美术家协会会员。 自幼热爱绘画,其善于向大自然学习,并擅长用彩墨表现出令人感动的大自然景象,在其作品中,始终涌动着一种 ... (View More)
Hu Xu Xian Chinese Painting hxx11086001  
Xu Zhong Hua, 徐中华,湖南人。现为中国美术家协会广西分会会员,百杰书画名家。 师从著名山水画大师叶侣梅先生,擅长山水画和人物画,从事多年美术编辑工作,创作了大量的题图和插图,并将心得融入山水画的创作中。追求严谨的构图,准确的造型,明快清新的 ... (View More)
Xu Zhong Hua Chinese Painting xzh11087001 Xu Zhong Hua Chinese Painting xzh11087002
Wang Yuan Ming, 王远明,男,1970年出生于湖北。职业画家。 自幼习画,遍访名师,主攻走兽,擅画虎,山水。作品注重传统笔墨韵味,力求个性,又能将新技法融汇其中,颇有新气息。作品远销日本、新加坡、马来西亚、台湾、港、澳等国家和地区。 Wang Yuan Ming, Male, wa ... (View More)
Wang Yuan Ming Chinese Painting wym11088001 Wang Yuan Ming Chinese Painting wym11088002
Lin Yun, 林云,1970年生于山东诗书世家,毕业于曲阜师范大学国画专业. 受父兄影响,自幼酷爱书画。从事书画学习、研究、创作。在绘画方面,工笔、写意、花鸟、山水的古代名家、现代大家作品技法都是其学习研究的对象。踏实的基本功使其画艺、笔法进步神 ... (View More)
Lin Yun Chinese Painting ly21089003 Lin Yun Chinese Painting ly21089004
Pan Guang Wen, 潘广文,1984年入山东艺术学院学习,师从史振峰,曹福泉,刘金宝诸先生,擅长工笔花鸟. 现为中国舞台美术学会会员,烟台市美术家协会会员。 Pan Guang Wen, in 1984, he studied at Shandong Academy of Art, where he studied under Shi Zhenfeng, Cao Fuquan and Mr. Liu Jinbao. He is good a ... (View More)
Pan Guang Wen Chinese Painting pgw41091001  
Chen Li Tao, 陈李涛,原藉甘肃。中国当代实力派画家,中国著名烙画作家。 从事舞台美术和美术教育多年。现为河南省书画学会理事,中原书画院专业画家,中国毛体书法研究院研究员,郑州市中原书画研究院一级美术师。 Chen Li Tao, was born in Guan Su. One of the most famou ... (View More)
Chen Li Tao Chinese Painting clt11092001  
Sun Hong wei, 孙宏伟,笔名清远,斋号汀兰轩,河北平山人。 现为中国山水画协会会员,河北省美术家协会会员,国家一级美术师,北派山水艺术中心副秘书长,文化部中国民族文化艺术研究院画家,中国山水画创作院驻院画家,中国长城书画院特聘画家。中国人民大 ... (View More)
Sun Hong wei Chinese Painting shw11093001 Sun Hong wei Chinese Painting shw11093002
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