Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists

Jin Shui Chao Chinese Birds & Flowers Painting Artists

Jin Shui Chao's Biography & Awards:

Jin Shui Chao, 金水超, 职业画家。主攻人物,花鸟。

Jin Shui Chao, a Professional painter. He majored in figures, as well as birds & flower.

The color of his work is calm, subtle and restrained, and the ink is bold and free. The lines and the change of dryness and wetness are rich and wonderful. The style is beautiful and elegant, the nature is simple and ancient, the artistic conception is deep, and it is very interesting. Many of his works have been collected by many art gallery and person.

Jin Shui Chao's Pictures:

Jin Shui Chao's Chinese Paintings in Stock: Click your favorite small photo to see prices, sizes, etc of that artwork

Jin Shui Chao Jin Shui Chao

Jin Shui Chao Jin Shui Chao

Jin Shui Chao Jin Shui Chao

Total 6 Items

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