Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists

Gong Gu Chinese Calligraphy Painting Artists

Gong Gu's Biography & Awards:

Gong Gu, 公谷,祖籍四川,定居上海,现为中国华夏艺术研究院会员、四川省书法家协会会员、成都市书法家协会会员,书法九级,专职书法家。



Gong Gu, whose ancestral home is in Sichuan and lives in Shanghai. Currently, he is a member of Chinese Academy of Arts, Sichuan Calligraphers Association, Chengdu Calligraphers Association, he is a professional calligrapher and reached level 9 at calligraphy examination.

Mr. Gong Gu engaged in calligraphy creation, calligraphy training, and dissemination of Chinese studies mainly. In Shanghai, he has a special calligraphy studio, there are more than 500 students received voluntary calligraphy training from Mr. Gong Gu.

More than 100 works have been collected by the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Shanghai Calligraphy Association and major universities. His writing style is natural and smooth, which is straightforward and beautiful, free and easy, and full of nobility and integrity, and loved by many writers and poets, scholars and merchants.

Gong Gu's Pictures:

Gong GuGong Gu
Gong Gu 

Gong Gu's Chinese Paintings in Stock: Click your favorite small photo to see prices, sizes, etc of that artwork

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Gong Gu Gong Gu

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