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"Greetings! I received my painting
a few weeks ago and just want to let
you know I am very pleased with it. It
was beautifully wrapped and arrived
in perfect condition. The painting itself
is gorgeous and I had it professionally
framed and hung above my fireplace. It
is a wonderful addition to my home.
Thank you for the excellent customer
service and fast delivery. Many
blessing to you in the New Year!
Felicia Phillips A Very
Happy Customer" (view more..)
Zhang Ming Kang, alias Yu Han, was born in Fujian province in 1968. As a professional painter, Zhang is good at meticulous bird&flower painting, landscape painting as well as watercolor painting. His works were were awarded a lot, and were ever published on domestic and overseas periodicals, and some of them was collected by people from Taiwan, Hong K ... (View More)
Zhang Ming Kang Chinese Painting 4207005 Zhang Ming Kang Chinese Painting 4207004
Zhuo De Yuan, was born in Fujian province in 1972. He learnt from famous sculptor Wang Zejian, famous artists of watercolor paintings Huang Jinde and Zheng Qimiao when he studied at Fujian Arts & Design College and then graduated from that in 1997. Good at landscape as well as bird&flower. Now Zhou is a professional painter who is part of Xiamen Wat ... (View More)
Zhuo De Yuan Chinese Painting zdy71208004 Zhuo De Yuan Chinese Painting zdy71208003
Chen Yuan Yuan, 陈园园,毕业于南京艺术学院,现居南京。 长期从事艺术创作且有丰富的教学经验,创办绘画工作室-艺间画室。 擅长写意水彩创作花卉,凭潇洒的画风、明媚的色调在网络上获得数万粉丝的关注。目前是一名在网上教授水彩画的网师。 Chen Yuanyuan, graduat ... (View More)
Chen Yuan Yuan Chinese Painting cyy72107001 Chen Yuan Yuan Chinese Painting cyy72107002
Fu Bin Jie, 付槟桀,2007年毕业于天津师范大学美术系,2011—2014年就读哈尔滨师范大学美术系研究生,现为黑龙江省美术家协会会员,黑龙江省水彩协会会员,伊春市美术家协会副秘书长,水彩艺委会主任。 现就职于伊春市教育研究院,任初、高中美术教研员。 Fu ... (View More)
Fu Bin Jie Chinese Painting fbj72108001 Fu Bin Jie Chinese Painting fbj72108003
Pan Ze, 潘泽,毕业于天津美术学院壁画系。现为天津美术家协会水彩画专业委员会会员。 Pan Ze, graduated from the Department of Mural Painting of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. He is now a member of the Watercolor Painting Professional Committee of Tianjin Artists Association. (View More)
Pan Ze Chinese Painting pz72109001 Pan Ze Chinese Painting pz72109004
Zhu Yong Zhuo, 朱永琢,1995年毕业于河北师范学院美术系。现为该学院美术系副教授,从教二十余年,教书育人,舞文弄墨,笔耕不辍,小有所成,擅工笔花鸟,山水,水彩,设计等。其作品多次在国内书画大赛中获奖,多幅作品被各界人士及机构收藏。 Zhu Yongzhuo graduat ... (View More)
Zhu Yong Zhuo Chinese Painting zyz72110001 Zhu Yong Zhuo Chinese Painting zyz72110013
He Lu, 何路,1982年毕业于哈尔滨师范大学艺术学院油画专业,获文学学 士学位。现任职于哈尔滨理工大学艺术学院绘画系主任,教授。 现为中国美术家协会会员,黑龙江省现代水彩画院副院长,黑龙江省水彩画协会理事。 He Lu graduated from Harbin Normal University in 1 ... (View More)
He Lu Chinese Painting hl71112001 He Lu Chinese Painting hl71112005
Jin Yu Qi, 金钰琦,职业水彩画家。上海市美术家协会会员,MOWS美国密苏里州水彩画协会会员。舍庐艺术馆创办人。 Jin Yuqi is a professional watercolor painter. He is a member of Shanghai Artists Association and a member of MOWS Missouri Watercolor Society. He is the founder of Shelu Art Gallery. (View More)
Jin Yu Qi Chinese Painting jyq71113001 Jin Yu Qi Chinese Painting jyq71113002
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