Chinese Painting Search
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"Greetings! I received my painting
a few weeks ago and just want to let
you know I am very pleased with it. It
was beautifully wrapped and arrived
in perfect condition. The painting itself
is gorgeous and I had it professionally
framed and hung above my fireplace. It
is a wonderful addition to my home.
Thank you for the excellent customer
service and fast delivery. Many
blessing to you in the New Year!
Felicia Phillips A Very
Happy Customer" (view more..)
Chen Xiao Ming, 陈晓明, 男,1980年出生。师从当地实力派青年画家夏春先生学习花鸟画,为人谦虚、作画勤奋。作品布局巧妙,笔墨线条老道,韵味十足,画风适静,画中小鸟活泼生动,极富情趣。 Chen Xiao Ming, male, born in 1980. He studied under Mr. Xia Chun who is professional flower and b ... (View More)
Chen Xiao Ming Chinese Painting cxm21106001 Chen Xiao Ming Chinese Painting cxm21106002
Zhang Jian Ping, 张建平,桂林人。擅长工笔写意花鸟,现为职业画家。 Zhang Jian Ping, from Guilin, Guang Xi province. He is good at freehand brushwork style of flowers and birds painting. He is a professional painter. (View More)
Zhang Jian Ping Chinese Painting zjp21110001 Zhang Jian Ping Chinese Painting zjp21110002
Huang Shan Chuan, 黄山川,江苏人。毕业于北京艺术学院。擅长写意花鸟画,其花鸟画作品笔法简洁、风格清新雋永,疏淡悠远而有诗意,具有很高的艺术表现力和感染力,观其画,如读一首韵味无穷的小令,让人心旷神怡。 Huang Shan Chuan is a native of Jiangsu Province. Graduated fro ... (View More)
Huang Shan Chuan Chinese Painting 2357020 Huang Shan Chuan Chinese Painting 2357001
Jian Feng, born in Beijing,1975. Influenced by family, he was fond of calligraphy and painting as a child. Graduated from Beijing academy of fine arts afterwards, and skilled in the Chinese realistic flowers & birds painting. His works are full of poetic. Birds and butterflies were painted as dance on the paper, let the picture looks beautiful an ... (View More)
Jian Feng Chinese Painting 2336119 Jian Feng Chinese Painting 2336136
Sheng Shi, born in Nanning city of Guangxi province. Now he is the member of Nanning Youth Artists Association and International Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association. He was fond of painting and calligraphy at early age. Once he was the apprenticed of Contemporary famous painter. Through constant practice and exploration, he gradually form ... (View More)
Sheng Shi Chinese Painting 2340088 Sheng Shi Chinese Painting 2340089
Ke Yi Zhi, 柯一芝,职业画家。女,1966年生于四川,1988年毕业于四川美院,现定居于广西桂林。 自幼喜欢画画,对中国传统的绘画艺术有着执着而浓厚的兴趣,擅长国画花鸟牡丹。 柯一芝的画用笔洒脱灵动,清新雅丽,墨韵墨色层次丰富而多变,色彩艳丽而不俗语媚 ... (View More)
Ke Yi Zhi Chinese Painting kyz21155001 Ke Yi Zhi Chinese Painting kyz21155002
Wei Zhu Wen, 韦祝文,广西阳朔人。是一位有着严谨画风的实力画家。擅长花鸟画,其花鸟画作品笔法简洁、风格清新隽永,疏淡悠远而有诗意,具有很高的艺术表现力和感染力,观其画,如读一首韵味无穷的小令,或让人心旷神怡。 Wei Zhu Wen, was born in Yangshuo, Guangxi. H ... (View More)
Wei Zhu Wen Chinese Painting wzw41156001 Wei Zhu Wen Chinese Painting wzw21156001
Zhao jing Hong, 赵景虹,生于桂林北郊。家境贫寒,自小农耕于天地山水、花鸟鱼虫之间。现为广西省美协会员 ,一级美术师。 记事起就独钟于书画和传统文化,十六岁求学书画,2011年至2013年于广西师范大学书法系、国画系求学,师法齐白石、黄宾虹先贤,崇尚儒释 ... (View More)
Zhao jing Hong Chinese Painting zjh21157001 Zhao jing Hong Chinese Painting zjh21157002
Dan Qing, 丹青,男。1974年生于广西桂林阳朔。自幼酷爱书画,1998年毕业于广西师范大学艺术系。主攻花鸟画。画家笔下的花鸟清雅秀逸、脱俗,通常简单以枯枝瘦石就能构略出一幅意境完美佳作,给人感觉胸有成竹,意在笔先,而且在笔下倾注着自己追求向往的那 ... (View More)
Dan Qing Chinese Painting dq41158006 Dan Qing Chinese Painting dq41158004
Ning Xiang, 凝香,山东著名工笔画画家。生于书香世家,自幼临摹历代花鸟画大师精品,后进修于中央美术学院国画系,师从金鸿钧、田世光。十余年刻苦钻研,笔耕不辍,主攻工笔花鸟画兼人物,作品构图饱满、色彩细腻、秀雅;作品风格热烈、富丽,极有神韵。 ... (View More)
Ning Xiang Chinese Painting nx21170001 Ning Xiang Chinese Painting nx21170002
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