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"Greetings! I received my painting
a few weeks ago and just want to let
you know I am very pleased with it. It
was beautifully wrapped and arrived
in perfect condition. The painting itself
is gorgeous and I had it professionally
framed and hung above my fireplace. It
is a wonderful addition to my home.
Thank you for the excellent customer
service and fast delivery. Many
blessing to you in the New Year!
Felicia Phillips A Very
Happy Customer" (view more..)
Wang Jin Ru, 王璟儒, 1963年出生于山东,现居广西桂林。部队荣退后归隐尘世,潜心从事国画的创作。曾拜近代著名画家王晋元为师,集纳大师之风,推陈创新,构思巧妙,用笔雄浑遒劲,尤其对花鸟的绘画,活灵活现,栩栩如生,有着独到之处。 Wang Jing Ru was bron in ... (View More)
Wang Jin Ru Chinese Painting wjr21192001 Wang Jin Ru Chinese Painting wjr21192002
Yang Xue, 杨雪,生于1972年,广西桂林人,1992年毕业于广西师范大学艺术 系,现为亚洲青年艺术家交流中心会员,职业画家。花鸟、人物、山 水、无一不工。画作洗练高雅,舒展大气。气韵生动;施色别具一 格,浑然天成。所画花草树石等娇妍秀雅而不失清超脱俗 ... (View More)
Yang Xue Chinese Painting yx21193001 Yang Xue Chinese Painting yx21193002
Sun Zhu Miao, 孙竹苗,1945年生,河南洛阳人。高级美术教师,中国文人书画协会会员,中国指墨书画协会会员,洛阳市美协会员,洛阳市国画协会理事。 Sun Zhumiao was born in Luoyang, Henan Province in 1945. He is a senior art teacher, a member of Chinese Literati Painting and Calligraphy Association, ... (View More)
Sun Zhu Miao Chinese Painting szm41197001 Sun Zhu Miao Chinese Painting szm41197002
Guo Feng Li, 郭凤丽,1985年6月生于河南商丘,06年考入中山美术学院,后进修于中央美院。 现为中国工笔画协会会员,中国美术家协会河南分会会员,中国花鸟画研究会会员。 郭凤丽是一个八零后的年轻画家,既有80后不服输的性格,还有着同龄人少有的坚持和执 ... (View More)
Guo Feng Li Chinese Painting gfl41198001 Guo Feng Li Chinese Painting gfl41198002
Liu Li Guo, 刘立国,字墨济,号墨聚斋,不息堂主人。是中国画名家郭派付有叶的入室弟子。生于北京,现长居于美国。 现为美国中国画协会会员,国际中美协会会员,美国书法协会会员。众多作品被美国友人收藏。 Liu Liguo, style name Mo Ji, pseudonym: Mo Juzhai, the master ... (View More)
Liu Li Guo Chinese Painting llg41199001 Liu Li Guo Chinese Painting llg41199002
Kai Liang, 开亮,职业画家。1972年生,福建人。1991年毕业于泉州师范学院美术专业班。现为福建省美术家协会会员。 Kai Liang, a professional painter, born in 1972, native of Fujian province. Graduated in 1991 from Quanzhou Normal University, majoring in Fine Arts. He is now a member of the Fujian Provincial Ar ... (View More)
Kai Liang Chinese Painting kl41201001 Kai Liang Chinese Painting kl41201002
Yan Sheng, 延声,1973年出生于广东广州,毕业于广州美院中国画系研究生班,擅长写意人物画,兼及花鸟、山水,尤其以画鹿最为精到。 Yansheng, born in 1973 in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, graduated from the graduate class of Chinese painting Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. He is good at ... (View More)
Yan Sheng Chinese Painting ys41202001 Yan Sheng Chinese Painting ys41202002
Shi Lei, 石磊,出生于广西荔浦。1982年毕业于广西大学后又进修国画。因天资聪慧,深受老师喜爱和夸赞。其作品以动物居多,画中的动物可谓栩栩如生,形态动作唯妙唯肖,生动有趣。 Shi Lei, born in Lipu, Guangxi. After graduating from Guangxi University in 1982, he studied Chinese ... (View More)
Shi Lei Chinese Painting sl41203001 Shi Lei Chinese Painting sl41203002
Wang Wen Qiang, 王文强,职业画家,国家一级美术师。1964年出生于北京,幼成家教,后随刘继卣大师学习中国画。八十年代入燕京书画社。现为文化部艺术发展中心中国书画院会员,中国职业画家协会会员,中国美术家协会北京分会会员,北京市汲阁书画鉴定师,刘继卣书 ... (View More)
Wang Wen Qiang Chinese Painting wwq41204001 Wang Wen Qiang Chinese Painting wwq41204002
Wu Le Chen, 吴乐晨,青海人,广西师大美术教育系毕业,现为中国美术家协会会员。 自幼喜好书画,尤爱花鸟、走兽、山水画,孜孜不倦的拜师学艺,及自己对生活的感悟,刻苦钻研传统绘画技,经过多年大量的临摹、写生,后从事中国画创作、其作品大气雄伟,达 ... (View More)
Wu Le Chen Chinese Painting wlc41206001 Wu Le Chen Chinese Painting wlc41206002
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