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"Greetings! I received my painting
a few weeks ago and just want to let
you know I am very pleased with it. It
was beautifully wrapped and arrived
in perfect condition. The painting itself
is gorgeous and I had it professionally
framed and hung above my fireplace. It
is a wonderful addition to my home.
Thank you for the excellent customer
service and fast delivery. Many
blessing to you in the New Year!
Felicia Phillips A Very
Happy Customer" (view more..)
Song Bai, was born in 1956 in Guilin, Guangxi province. He graduated from the art institute of Guangxi Normal University. He was good at painting animals, birds & flowers. His styles were creative and varied. He dared to try different kinds of paintings and create his new ideas. His paintings have religious and suitable compositions, as well as t ... (View More)
Song Bai Chinese Painting 4737001 Song Bai Chinese Painting 4737002
Zhang Chang Bin, 张伟,字长彬,1975年生于福建三明宁化,毕业于福州大学厦门工艺美术学院,擅长工笔花鸟,作品以极富动态韵律的背景反衬精致入微的主体形成了个人面貌,现为福建省工笔画会会员,厦门市美术家协会会员。 Zhang Wei, with a character of Chang Bin,was born in 197 ... (View More)
Zhang Chang Bin Chinese Painting zcb21196006 Zhang Chang Bin Chinese Painting zcb21196005
Wang Ying Gong, 王应功,1985年生于海南儋州市。毕业于艺术院校、师从画家吴乾福、王家儒、黄海洋教授等。海南省美术家协会会员, 2005年获得“青年美术家”称号。 (View More)
Wang Ying Gong Chinese Painting 611098001 Wang Ying Gong Chinese Painting 611098002
Chen Qiu E, 陈秋娥,户县农民画协会一级画家,户县农民画院理事。 画家自幼喜爱剪纸、刺绣、民间绘画,现为中国农民画研究会会员,陕西省农民画协会会员。 画家勤奋创作,从生活中吸取精华,笔下刻画酸甜苦辣,创作作品500余件,多次举办个人画展,获奖 ... (View More)
Chen Qiu E Chinese Painting cqe7101001 Chen Qiu E Chinese Painting cqe7101002
Pan Xiao Ling, 潘晓玲,陕西户县人,著名农民画家,中国美术家协会会员,陕西省美术家协会会员,陕西省农民画协会副主席,户县农民画协会副主席,陕西省人大代表。 40多年来,潘晓玲创作了500多幅美术作品,她的画清新纯朴、诗意盎然,充满乡土气息。作品曾经 ... (View More)
Pan Xiao Ling Chinese Painting pxl7102001 Pan Xiao Ling Chinese Painting pxl7102002
Cao Quan Tang, 曹全堂,男,1957年生于户县秦渡镇,1972年开始美术创作,74年中央美院在户县办学期间学习专业绘画,2000年又在西安美院进修学习,80年代曾出访美国并办个人画展。4幅作品被国家美术馆收藏。 作品《闹春图》(2002)、《山村农家乐》(2004)、《春回大地 ... (View More)
Cao Quan Tang Chinese Painting cqt7103010 Cao Quan Tang Chinese Painting cqt7103001
Liu Feng Tao, 刘沣涛,1951年出生,陕西户县人。中国美术家协会陕西分会会员,陕西省农民画协会会员,陕西民间美术师,户县农民画协会常务理事,一级画家。 1974年加入户县农民画队伍,44年来,创作农民画作品300多件。在国际、全国、省、市、县获奖。 中国美 ... (View More)
Liu Feng Tao Chinese Painting lft7104007 Liu Feng Tao Chinese Painting lft7104001
Zhang Qing Yi, 张青义,男,户县农民画一级画家,中国农民书画研究会会员,陕西省农民画协会常务理事。 其画风飘逸多变,写实和装饰并重,充满甜美的生活气息。 2000年9月,张青义应中美友好协会的邀请,赴美国参加了明尼苏答州华人团体举行的“龙年2000”活 ... (View More)
Zhang Qing Yi Chinese Painting zqy7105028 Zhang Qing Yi Chinese Painting zqy7105011
Li Ke Min, 李克民,1945年生,陕西户县人,户县农民画王牌画家之一。现为中国农民书画研究会会员,陕西省民间美术师,陕西省美术家协会会员,陕西省农民画协会理事,户县农民画院一级画家。 他的作品多次获国家,省,市奖,许多作品在国内外多家报刊发表 ... (View More)
Li Ke Min Chinese Painting lkm7106002 Li Ke Min Chinese Painting lkm7106004
Wu Chao Li, was born in Dalian of Liaoning Province in 1954, that is a graduate of Central Academy of Fine Art. She is skilled in watercolor painting, and now is part of Guangxi branch of Chinese Artists Association, Vice-chairman of Guangxi Association for Women Artists, part of Guilin Watercolor Arts Council and Guilin Art Center. Her works were ev ... (View More)
Wu Chao Li Chinese Painting wcl71184013 Wu Chao Li Chinese Painting wcl71184009
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